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Happy World Wildlife Day!

Robot Mower


2024/03/07 16:32

At RoboUP, we're not just about robot mowers; we're committed to UN SDG15 - Life on Land! Our new product, Rhino, is more than a name; it's a symbol of our dedication to preserving the beauty of our planet.
Imagine this: RoboUP all-around sensing system with AI vision can not only spot but also avoid wild animals unexpectedly gracing your garden, ensuring their safety.
Effortless lawn care with zero emissions keeps your lawn pristine, creating a haven for wild plants to thrive. Let's celebrate the wonders of nature together!
1. Take the World Wildlife Day test to explore your knowledge about conservation tech and digital innovations for nature.
2. Share your wildlife encounters in the garden! What's the most exciting story you have?

  • Happy World Wildlife Day!



