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Home > News&Blog > Blog > Innovation & Applications > The Risks of Improper RTK Base Station Setup: Is Your Robot Lawn Mower Losing Control?

The Risks of Improper RTK Base Station Setup: Is Your Robot Lawn Mower Losing Control?

By Nathan L. - 2024/08/15

If your GPS mower seems to be moving madly and not following its set course, then you have landed yourself on the right article. Surprisingly, the culprit often isn't the robot lawn mower itself, but rather the improper setup and installation of the RTK base station, which serves as the brain of your mower.

Robot Mower Brain.png


What Are the Consequences of Unsecured RTK Stations?

Robots Gone Wild

When your RTK station isn't properly secured, your mower can start acting like it's had too much coffee, resulting in inaccurate navigation. This can cause your GPS mower to deviate from its planned path, leading to missed spots and patches on your lawn.

Stripes? What Stripes?

If your mower isn't following its intended path, those perfect stripes you dreamed of will never appear. Instead, you'll get a chaotic crisscross pattern that's far from the neat, professional look you yearned for.

Infinite Bumps & Collision

Increased wear and tear is inevitable if your GPS mower is not following its designated path. Without proper guidance, your mower will cover the same area again and again, as it has lost its sense of direction. Eventually it will collide into garden furniture and obstacles, causing accelerated aging, hence reducing its lifespan.

Safety? More Like Safety Concerns!

Once your mower loses control, it's hard to predict what could happen next. An erratic mower can pose safety risks to pets, children, and garden furniture. Ensuring the RTK station setup for robotic mowers is crucial for safe operation.

Safe Operation of Robot Mower.png

How to Avoid These Potential Risks?

In order to avoid these potential risks of your mower going psychotic, you must first be the psychiatrist and find out the root cause. GPS mowers, or some may even call them RTK mowers, are basically robotic mowers without perimeter wires. This means they run solely off RTK GPS, which is why RTK base station setup is so important when it comes to making your mower stable again, or to begin to with.

Proper Placement

Proper placement is key. Let's think of the RTK base station as the brain behind your mower. Just like how the mind needs time and space to think clearly, your mower also requires an open area to operate efficiently.

Make sure to place the RTK base station in an open area with a clear line of sight to the sky so that it can receive and process signals without interference. Avoid placing it near tall buildings, trees, or other obstructions that could interfere with GPS signals. Ideally, mount it on a rooftop or a tall, sturdy pole to maximize visibility and minimize obstacles.

RTK Station Installation.png

Stable Mounting

Ensure the RTK base station is securely mounted on a stable surface. Any movement or wobbling can cause inaccuracies in the GPS signals, leading to navigation issues. This is a key step in securing RTK stations for better mower performance. Use strong rods, brackets or mounts to affix the station firmly. Regularly check and tighten the mounts to maintain stability, especially after adverse weather conditions or accidental bumps. Properly securing the station helps maintain consistent signal quality, ensuring your mower operates smoothly and accurately.

Stable Mounting.png

Lost Your User Manual?

Always refer to the mower's user manual for specific instructions on how to fix RTK station for robotic lawn mowers. Different manufacturer guidelines  are slightly different but don't forget, proper placement and stable mounting is a must!

We hope this article has helped you to learn more on how to make your robotic lawn mower more stable. As scary as it sounds, robots do kind of have minds, but you are the one in control! So make sure to always place and mount your RTK base station according to the basic principles in order for your mower to stay sane at all times.


If you're feeling spicy about this topic and want to dive deeper into navigation and positioning, then take a look at this article:


Can Robot Mowers Actually Handle Stone Pathways Without Damage?

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