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Home > News&Blog > News > Announcement > RoboUP Summer Olympic Games: Push-Up Challenge, Game 2

RoboUP Summer Olympic Games: Push-Up Challenge, Game 2

By Maple Z. - 2024/08/22

RoboUP Summer Olympic Games have been going on for a week already and the participants are increasing rapidly. Make sure to give it your best shot, and you can potentially be the lucky winner to take home a $500 Amazon gift card or a brand new robot mower!

Game 2: Push-Up Challenge

More than 4,000 people have viewed our post and nearly 200 people have engaged the campaign already. Don’t let the voices in your head stop you from having fun and staying fit with a chance to win a $500 gift card or a robot mower.

Garden Push-Up Challenge-1920x1080.jpg

Campaign Details:

📅 Activity Time: August 9th - August 30th, 2024

📢 Prize Announcement: September 3rd

How to Enter:

1. Record a video of yourself doing push-ups for 30 seconds.

2. Post it under this post or on your own homepage.

3. Remember to type the number of push-ups you did in those 30 seconds when you post.

4. Follow RoboUP on social media.

5. Use the hashtags: #RoboUP #SummerOlympic #GardenPushUpChallenge

Let your creativity shine this summer and make your push-up video interesting for a chance to win!

Join us for Push-Up Challenge:

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